The diversity of the Elementary School community helps the children grow to be open-minded and capable collaborators and learners.
Learn to see diversity in thinking, language, and culture as rich opportunities to grow as confident and skillful global citizens.
Learn to listen actively and use the language of appreciation and inclusion of others, equipping them with skills to find solutions in increasingly complex situations.
Learn and develop a deep understanding of different cultures.
The academic program at the Elementary School is modern, progressive, and rigorous - Our elementary school program organizes curriculum content by creating holistic and exciting units of learning where traditional disciplines and all sciences meet.
Our small, well-resourced classrooms allow for our teachers to get to know their students well. teachers as well as Learning Support specialists work alongside all children in the classroom, ensuring our students are well supported to meet their goals and learning outcomes.
​Learning in Elementary School is incredibly rich and varied. Students demonstrate their skills, wonderings, and understandings through visual art, language, movement, and the endless possibilities provided by technology.
The Arts
In the arts students express themselves through painting, sketching, sculpting, composing music, singing, and playing instruments.
Students engage in coding, robotics, and designing and printing 3-D objects.
Physical Education
Students understand and demonstrate a balanced lifestyle by developing movement skills, playing sports, and developing healthy life habits, for example participating in the popular Track Rats walking and running program on school mornings.
At Champions Preparatory Academy, you will frequently hear Elementary School students skillfully articulating and presenting their ideas. Students are excited to explore topics like:
Life cycles
Systems of transportation or organizations
Multiple perspectives of historical events
Space, and planetary relationships
Math and numerology concepts
Forces and other laws of the physical world
- to mention just a few.
Skills for Life
They learn, practice, and apply the skills needed to be effective speakers, readers, and writers, confident and fluent in mathematics, and intentional and critical thinkers.